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schöne Grüße von der Nigeria Connection

Dieses Thema im Forum "Small Talk" wurde erstellt von maiden, 1. September 2002.

  1. maiden

    maiden Lever duat us slav

    folgende E-mail erhielt ich gestern:

    Absender: smith williams <smith.williams2@caramail.com>
    Datum: (kein Datum)
    Empfänger: smith.williams2@caramail.com


    With due respect and huminity, I write to you this
    proposal.I am the manager of bill and exchange at the
    foreign remittance department of Banque Internationale du
    Abidjan . I am writing following the impressive information
    about you through my research in internet search.In my
    department, we discovered an abandoned sum of U.S$8.5m
    USdollars (Eight million, five hundred thousand US
    dollars) . In an account that belongs to one of our foreign
    customer who died along with his entire family in november
    1997 in a plane crash.

    Since we got information about his death, we have been
    expecting his next of kin to come forward and claim his
    money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies
    for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as
    indicated in our banking guidelines and policies but
    unfortunately we learnt that all his supposed next of kin
    or relation died along side with him at the plane crash
    leaving nobody behind for the claims. It is therefore upon
    this discovery that I and other officials in my department
    now decided to make this businness proposal to you and
    release the money to you as the next of kin or relation to
    the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since
    nobody is coming forth and we dont want this money to go
    into the Bank treasury as unclaimed Bill.

    According to our Banking policies and guideline here which
    stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after five
    years, the money will automatically be transfered into the
    Bank treasury as unclaimed fund.
    The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is
    occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner
    and a Burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.

    We agree that 15 % of this money will be for you as foreign
    partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account,
    5 % will be for reimbursement of any expenses incured
    during the curse of the transaction and 80 % would be for
    me and my colleagues. There after I and my colleagues will
    visit your country for disbursement according to the
    percentages indicated.

    Therefore to enable the immediate trnansfer of this fund to
    you as arranged, you must apply first to the bank as
    relation or next of kin of the deceased indicating your
    bank name, your bank account number, your private telephone
    and fax number for easier and effective communication and
    location where the money will be remitted .

    Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or
    email the text of the application. I will not fail to bring
    to your notice that this transaction is hitch free and that
    you should not entertain any atom of
    fear as all required arrangements have been made for the
    transfer . You should contact me immediately as soon as you
    receive this letter. Trusting to hear from you immediately.

    Yours faithfully,

    N/B.my intention of writing you through email is because i
    belive it is very confidential.
    Boîte aux lettres - Caramail - http://www.caramail.com

    Meine Antwort:

    fuck you stupid idiot
  2. maccie

    maccie New Member

    Huch, Dich habe ich auf meiner Liste?

    Nach Zahlung einer kleinen Storno-Gebühr von US$ 2.500 wird mein Chiefmanager diesen Lapsus beheben, sorry *gg*

    Weitere Informationen folgen..........
  3. iMarco

    iMarco New Member

  4. maccie

    maccie New Member

    Das kam eben auch schon mal von convi  und weg wars *g*
  5. MacELCH

    MacELCH New Member

    Komisch, sie versuchen es immer wieder *g*

    Habe 11 Jahre dort gelebt bzw. bin zur Schule gegangen (DSL - Deutsche Schule Lagos)


  6. Convenant

    Convenant Haarfestiger

    >Das kam eben auch schon mal von convi  und weg wars *g*

    Ja, ab und an prüfe ich nach, wie es denn um eure Aumerksamkeit steht.
  7. grufti

    grufti New Member

    Da habt ihr ja noch echt Glück gehabt.

    Ich kriege ein ähnliches Schreiben aus Nigeria 2 x jährlich als Brief, Adresse handgeschrieben mit persönlicher Anrede. Stinkt mir jetzt, dass ich alles immer weggeworfen habe. Werde das in Zukunft abscannen.
    Das Prinzip ist aber ganz einfach. Ich überweise 1 Mio $ und krieg gleich vorab 1,2 Mio $ unkompliziert wieder zurück. Und damit habe ich unsägliches Leid gemindert. Und der Bank aus der Scheiße geholfen. Und deshalb krieg ich dann anschließend noch tolle Zinsen.

    Mein Pech war halt, dass auf meinem Konto leider nur Euro sind. Aber das konnten die natürlich im Ausland net wissen.

    Aber wenn nicht immer wenigstens ein paar Idoten drauf reinfallen würden...
    Scheint also zu laufen, das Gschäft.

  8. terkil

    terkil Gast

    Tja, auch in Togo läßt sich sehr viel Geld verdienen ! 25 Millionen Dollar kann man jetzt ganz locker mal nebenbei verdienen !!! Da es immer so anstrengend ist, längere englische Texte zu lesen, hab ich es noch nicht vollständig gelesen. Sieht aber nach einem guten Investment aus ;-)



    I am MR JIM RAY the Director in-charge of auditing and accounting section of OCEANIC BANK OF LOME - TOGO.in West Africa with due respect and regards.I have decided to contact you on a business transaction that will be very beneficial to both of us at the end of the transaction.

    During our investigation and audting in this bank, my department came across a very huge sum of money belonging to a deceased person who died on August 1997 in a plane crash and the fund has been dormant in his account with this bank without any claim of the fund in our custody either from his family or relation before our discovery to this development.

    Although personally, I kept this information secret within myself and my partner to enable the whole plans and idea be pofitable and successful during the time of execution.The said amount was USD$25m (twenty five million United States Dollars).I am glad to say that
    with the introduction of internet and website,I was opportuned and pleasured to have come across your contact through this satellite media.All the adverts and news media in your website is what interest me most to contact you on this very issue.

    Meanwhile all the whole arrangement to put claim over this fund as the bonafide next of kin to the deceased, get the required approval and transfer this money to a foriegn account has been put in place and directives and needed information will be relayed to you as soon as you indicate your interest and willingness to assist us and also benefit your self to this great business opportunity.

    In fact I could have done this deal alone but because of my position in this country as a civil servant, we are not allowed to operate a foriegn account and would eventually raise an eye brow on my side during the time of transfer because, I work in this bank. This is the actual reason why it will require a second party or fellow who will forward claims as the next of kin with affidavit of trust of Oath to this bank and also present a foriegn account where he will need the money to be retransfered into on his request as it may be after due verification and clarification by designation bank account.

    I will not fail to inform you that this transaction is 100% risk free. On smooth conclusion of this transaction, you will be entitiled to 30% of the total sum as gratification, while 10% will be set aside to
    take care of expenses that may arise during the time of transfer both local and international like telephone bills,e-mail bills include the documents fees, while 60% will be for me and my partner.

    Please,you have been adviced to keep top secret as we are still in service and intend to retire from service after we conclude this deal with you. I will be monitoring the whole situation here in this bank until you confirm the money in your account.And ask us
    to come down to your country for subsequent sharing of
    the fund according to percentages previously indicated and further investment, either in your country or any country you advice us to invest in.

    All other necessary information will be sent to you when I hear from you.I suggest you get back to me as soon as possible stating your wish in this deal.

    However, you can call me on this number for more detailed informations - +228 902 98 69.

    Yours faithfully,

  9. maccie

    maccie New Member

    Das kommt nur davon, daß Du zuwenig Schwarzgeld auf Deinen zahlreichen schweizer Nummernkonten bunkerst  sch*** geht ja auch nicht, sind ja Fränkli ;)))
  10. apoc7

    apoc7 New Member

    Den selbigen Brief hat auch ein Innenminister (BaWü?) letzte Woche bekommen :)

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