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.MAC / iTools

Dieses Thema im Forum "Hardware" wurde erstellt von henningl, 19. Juli 2002.

  1. henningl

    henningl Bei den Verwirrten

    Hallo ans Forum,

    da ich auch wissen will wie es weitergeht, habe ich auf der .mac Seite gesucht und folgendes gefunden.

    Q: Is it true that Apple will begin charging customers for iTools memberships?

    On Wednesday, July 17, 2002, Apple notified its customers that iTools will be replaced by a new membership service called .Mac. The membership includes brand new features, like Backup and Virex anti-virus software, and improved versions of the iTools services, like additional email and iDisk storage. The fee is US$99.95 per year, and as a thank you for being loyal customers, existing iTools members can reserve a first year special offer of $49.95. iTools members will have until September 30 to join .Mac. After this time, original iTools accounts will be deactivated.

    Q: Why is Apple charging for iTools?

    Providing email and storage solutions for millions of customers comes at a considerable cost. In addition, using the Internet today requires more storage space, better ways to share, and new ways to protect your important files. To continue providing iTools services as well as a new set of must-haves for computing on the Internet, Apple is charging an annual fee.

    Bought individually, comparable products would cost you an estimated $250:

    * Anti-virus: $50
    * Backup: $40
    * 100MB of online storage: $60
    * 15MB of email storage, forwarding and POP/IMAP access: $40+
    * Home page creation and hosting: $60
    (These prices are approximate, and may vary.)
    Q: Will current iTools members be given a discount?

    Yes. Current iTools members can purchase a one-year .Mac membership for US$49.95 (if purchased by September 30). Normal charges (US$99.95) will apply after the first year.

    Customers who have already paid for an upgrade to their existing iTools account (for additional storage) will receive the first year of their .Mac membership at no charge. Normal charges (US$99.95) will apply after the first year.

    Q: Is there a grace period before charges begin?

    Yes. Existing iTools accounts have been converted to .Mac trial accounts, and will continue to have full access to Mac.com Email, HomePages and iDisk, plus the opportunity to sample many of the new .Mac services during the trial period.

    Selbst nachzulesen unter

    Für mich ist jetzt entgegen aller bisherigen Aussagen (auch meiner) klar wohin
    es geht. Es gibt keinen Zweifel daran, dass es in Zukunft KEINEN kostenlosen mac.com Account mehr geben wird.

    Gruß und sorry für alle die noch Hoffnung hatten

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