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Grafikkarten -> PC/MAC-Preise

Dieses Thema im Forum "Hardware" wurde erstellt von taysano, 10. Juli 2002.

  1. mac_the_mighty

    mac_the_mighty New Member

    mac - anwender müssen auch für durchschnittskarten viel geld bezahlen, pc-user nicht.
  2. taysano

    taysano New Member

    t needed
    to be flashed, and it worked out of the box ... but not with any OS X
    version above 10.1.2. In those versions, your card will be limited to a
    resolution of 1024*768 and will perform very badly. But have no fear! There
    is a simple solution for this. Read the rest of the article for the
    WARNING: You'll do all of this completly at your OWN RISK!

    The following how-to also appears on gargleblaster.org...

    1. Reboot your machine in OS 9.

    2. Download TomeViewer

    3. Download the Apple nVidia drivers

    4. Use TomeViewer to extract AENV MacFlash [1045-MRS] from the tome-file.

    5. Open up your applescript editor and enter the following:

    tell application "AENV MacFlash [1045-MRS]"
    if (CompareROMVersion) = true then
    end if
    end tell
    6. Press the check syntax button ( you never know) ...

    7. Now save the script in the same place as where you have saved the
    extracted rom (AENV MacFlash [1045-MRS] )

    8. Run the freshly created AppleScript.

    9. Reboot to X.

    10. Enjoy your GeForce powered System.
    If everything went well, System Profiler will tell you the following:

    Card name: NVD A, NVMac
    Card model: GeForce2 MX
    Card ROM#: 1045F

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