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Fortsetzung brauche hilfe in englisch #3

Dieses Thema im Forum "Small Talk" wurde erstellt von contact, 6. November 2007.

  1. contact

    contact New Member

    Hier musste ich eine E-Mail, an eine Freundin schreiben, die vor ein paar Tagen/Wochen, wie auch immer, ihren Job verloren hat!
    Wir sollten, das anhängende Dokument verwenden und ihr erklären was es gibt... bitte auch korrigieren wenn es geht, Grammatik, Zeit usw. wäre echt, wirklich dankbar!

    From: ....
    To: ...
    Subject: Help for you..

    Dear Sandra!

    Yesterday I heard that you lost your job last week. I decided to give you hints, to find a new
    and good job. I know lot of people who will like you, but you must do something to get these jobs. I will tell you some facts about “New ways of working”. For example there is the “Part-time work”. In “Part-time work” you can encompass anything under 30 hours per week and this is the major form of flexible work in the UK. Four out of five part-time workers are women, because they don’t want a full-time job. There is really big disadvantage in “Part-time work”. Female part-timers are the lowest paid employees by(in) “Part-Time-Job” and so a growing number of women are taking a second part-time job. The next way of work is “Temporary work”. At first there are many different types of this like seasonal, casual or fixed-term contracts. Most men people take full-time because their women work part-time. Sandra, you should know that the fast-growing area of temporary work appears to be women
    part-timers on fixed-term contracts. These are not all “Ways of work”. The next way I will tell you is the “Working-time flexibility”. This part of work includes annualized hours, job sharing, and term-time working. These new working patterns have been taken up mostly by women, something for you ;). It allows them to combine work and family commitments more easily, these means that you also can work from home. Another included the right to ask for extra hours. This gives women the worst of both worlds’ unpredictable, often long hours, without any of the benefits. The last part of work is the “Self-employment”. In this part there are more men than woman, but I think you don’t want so much to do, because to be self-employed is a very dangerous and time-consuming job. One reason, for you I think, is that half a million women in this job are self-employed homeworker(s). So you can do your job and you also can look at your children (and family). As homeworker, you should know, that you don’t earn so much. So I hope I can help you with these facts. If you want more information you can phone me every time. I am every time available for you. I hope I was helpful and you find a good job, don’t be sad any more. I am very safely that you will get a new and good job.
    Do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions.

    Yours truly,


  2. mac-christian

    mac-christian Active Member

    Rot: Weglassen
    Grün: einsetzen
    Braun: Argumentationskette erschliesst sich mir nicht

  3. contact

    contact New Member

    Danke für diese Detail arbeit! danke!

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