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Firefox 3.6 RC1 Now Available

Dieses Thema im Forum "Software" wurde erstellt von danilatore, 11. Januar 2010.

  1. danilatore

    danilatore Moderatore Mitarbeiter

  2. danilatore

    danilatore Moderatore Mitarbeiter

    Mozilla Firefox - 3.6 Release Candidate 2


    Firefox 3.6 Release Candidate 2 is the latest development milestone of the next version of the Firefox web browser. As a release candidate, this is considered to be stable and safe to use for daily web browsing, and represents the features and content that will be in the final product release. At this time most Add-ons have been tested by their authors to ensure that they are compatible with this release. If you experience problems with Add-on compatibility, please install the Add-on Compatibility Reporter - your favorite Add-on author will appreciate it!

    Firefox 3.6 Release Candidate is built on Mozilla's Gecko 1.9.2 web rendering platform, which has been under development for several months and contains many improvements for web developers, Add-on developers and users. This version is also faster and more responsive than previous versions, and has been optimized to run on small device operating systems such as Windows CE and Maemo.
  3. TomPo

    TomPo Active Member

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