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BJC3000 und X

Dieses Thema im Forum "Hardware" wurde erstellt von heiki, 18. April 2002.

  1. heiki

    heiki New Member

    t rename files in S400PM.plugin ! I mean you must keep all the filenames.

    3- Look for « 400 » occurrences and replace S400 with BJC-3000 or BJC3000 (it depends where) only when S400 does not referto a file (S400ColorMedia or co.jp.canon.printer.s400.pde for example). In order to keep the code clean you should replace BJC-55 occurrences (which follows S400) with B5 or BJC6200 with S325. Note : you must keep all S400SP references. (S400 and S400SP are two different printers)

    4- in the folder /Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinters/Ressources/icons, duplicate S400.icns and rename it BJC3000.icns

    5- Repeat step 3 for the BJPrinterUtility framework file. (/Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinters/Frameworks/BJPrinterUtility.framework/version/A)

    6- Restart your computer, open Print Center and add your BJC-3000 printer.


    The Files

    If you do not feel fine to do it yourself you can download the files I use (these files are Canon's property) here.

    Before proceeding with these files, delete your /Library/Printers/Canon folder, restart your computer and install S400 driver for Mac OS X. Then log as root and replace the files.

    Restart your computer, open Print Center and add your BJC-3000 printer. It is very important ro restart your computer at each step of the process otherwise you may get an error -2000 when attempting to add the printer in the Print Center


    Special Thanks

    I would like to thank Douglas Stetner who first contribute to offer an OS X driver for the BJC-3000 by hacking the BJC-2100 driver.


    Note : Mac, Mac OS X, Apple, Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple in the United States and/or other countries. Certain other product names, brand names, and company names may be trademarks or designations of their respective owners.

    I could not be responsible for any damages or problems you may encounter by using these tips and files. Use at your own risks !
  2. heiki

    heiki New Member

    t rename files in S400PM.plugin ! I mean you must keep all the filenames.

    3- Look for « 400 » occurrences and replace S400 with BJC-3000 or BJC3000 (it depends where) only when S400 does not referto a file (S400ColorMedia or co.jp.canon.printer.s400.pde for example). In order to keep the code clean you should replace BJC-55 occurrences (which follows S400) with B5 or BJC6200 with S325. Note : you must keep all S400SP references. (S400 and S400SP are two different printers)

    4- in the folder /Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinters/Ressources/icons, duplicate S400.icns and rename it BJC3000.icns

    5- Repeat step 3 for the BJPrinterUtility framework file. (/Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinters/Frameworks/BJPrinterUtility.framework/version/A)

    6- Restart your computer, open Print Center and add your BJC-3000 printer.


    The Files

    If you do not feel fine to do it yourself you can download the files I use (these files are Canon's property) here.

    Before proceeding with these files, delete your /Library/Printers/Canon folder, restart your computer and install S400 driver for Mac OS X. Then log as root and replace the files.

    Restart your computer, open Print Center and add your BJC-3000 printer. It is very important ro restart your computer at each step of the process otherwise you may get an error -2000 when attempting to add the printer in the Print Center


    Special Thanks

    I would like to thank Douglas Stetner who first contribute to offer an OS X driver for the BJC-3000 by hacking the BJC-2100 driver.


    Note : Mac, Mac OS X, Apple, Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple in the United States and/or other countries. Certain other product names, brand names, and company names may be trademarks or designations of their respective owners.

    I could not be responsible for any damages or problems you may encounter by using these tips and files. Use at your own risks !

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