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Apple Security Update  -  7-18-02

Dieses Thema im Forum "Hardware" wurde erstellt von quick, 21. Juli 2002.

  1. quick

    quick New Member

    "What's new in this version:
    The previous release of Software Update client 1.4.6 provided two ways to run the software update process: via the existing graphical user interface within System Preferences, and as a command line tool. Software Update client 1.4.6 was released via Security Update 7-12-02 to provide cryptographic signature verification as quickly as possible for the more widely-used graphical user interface provided within System Preferences.

    Software Update client 1.4.7 now contains the cryptographic signature verification via either means of invoking the software update process. Customers can now choose to run Software Update either via the command line or from within the System Preferences application.

    Further information on the softwareupdate command line tool is available via "man softwareupdate" after installation.
    Product Description:
    Security Update 7-18-02 delivers a more secure Software Update service, as well as an updated Software Update command line tool, to verify that future updates originate from Apple."

  2. desELend

    desELend New Member

    hmm 18.07. warum findet sa das erst jetzt? und warum ist das update in version 1.0???

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