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Airport Utility update für Leo, Tiger und Windows

Dieses Thema im Forum "Software" wurde erstellt von mac123franz, 12. März 2008.

  1. mac123franz

    mac123franz New Member


    AirPort Utility 5.3.1 for Leopard - 8,8 MB


    AirPort Utility 5.3.1 for Tiger - 9,3 MB


    AirPort Utility 5.3.1 for Windows - 10,2 MB


    What’s New in this Version:

    "AirPort Utility v5.3.1 is the simple to use, setup and management utility for the AirPort Express Base Station, the AirPort Extreme Base Station and Time Capsule.

    Use AirPort Utility to setup and configure the following products:
    AirPort Express Base Station
    AirPort Extreme Base Station
    Time Capsule

    Installing AirPort Utility
    Double-click the installer and follow the onscreen instructions.
    For the latest information on AirPort software, check Software Update in System Preferences or the following Apple websites:
    Time Capsule website at www.apple.com/timecapsule
    Apple AirPort Express website at www.apple.com/airportexpress
    Apple AirPort Extreme website at www.apple.com/airportextreme
    Apple Support website at www.apple.com/support

    Internet service provider (ISP) compatibility:
    Internet access requires a compatible ISP; fees may apply"

  2. danilatore

    danilatore Moderatore Mitarbeiter

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