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Dieses Thema im Forum "Hardware" wurde erstellt von macmatic, 22. November 2003.

  1. Ghostuser

    Ghostuser Active Member


    Zum Schluss brichst du dir noch einen Finger...
  2. Ghostuser

    Ghostuser Active Member

    ... wenn du mit den Fingern so schnell über die Tastatur flitzt.

    ;) :) ;)

    Gruss GU
  3. Mäkki

    Mäkki New Member

  4. Mäkki

    Mäkki New Member

  5. Mäkki

    Mäkki New Member

  6. Mäkki

    Mäkki New Member

  7. Mäkki

    Mäkki New Member

  8. Ghostuser

    Ghostuser Active Member

  9. Ghostuser

    Ghostuser Active Member

  10. Ghostuser

    Ghostuser Active Member

  11. Ghostuser

    Ghostuser Active Member

  12. Ghostuser

    Ghostuser Active Member

    Nume nid gsprängt!

    Gruss GU
  13. Ghostuser

    Ghostuser Active Member

    Und schon wieder eine Seite geschafft.
  14. Mäkki

    Mäkki New Member

    Die ersten Pflaumen beißen die Hunde.
  15. Mäkki

    Mäkki New Member


    5 dual core Opterons directly connected via HyperTransport should be able to achieve a similar level of performance in stream processing as a single Cell....
    The PlayStation 3 is expected to have have 4 Cells.

    insbesondere auch • Cell V's Apple


    A Cell based system running OS X could be nearly as cheap (depending on the price Apple want to charge for OS X) but with Cell's sheer power it will exceed the power of even the most powerful PCs. This system could sell like hot cakes and if it's sufficiently low cost it could be used to sell into the low cost markets which PC makers are now beginning to exploit. There is a huge opportunity for Apple here, I think they'll be stark raving mad not to take it - because if they don't someone else will - Microsoft already have PowerPC experience with the Xbox2 OS...

    Cell will have a performance advantage over the PC and will be able to use the PC's advantages as well. With Apple's help it could also run what is arguably the best OS on the market today, at a low price point. The new Mac mini already looks like it's going to sell like hot cakes, imagine what it could do equipped with a Cell...


    G4 @ 1.33GHz = 6 hours
    4 Cells @ 250 GFlops = 3 minutes 49 seconds
  16. teorema67

    teorema67 Active Member

    Seiten (183): « Erste ... « 180 181 182 [183]

    :D :D
  17. Mäkki

    Mäkki New Member

  18. teorema67

    teorema67 Active Member

    Hey, aufwachen und ein paar Beiträge posten! :tongue:
  19. Ghostuser

    Ghostuser Active Member

    Immer diese Hetzerei!

    Gruss GU
  20. Mäkki

    Mäkki New Member

    :zzz: warwas?umdreh:zzz:

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